Breast Reduction

What is Breast Reduction and How is it done?

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the breasts by removing excess breast tissue and skin. This procedure is often sought after by women who experience physical discomfort, such as neck and back pain, caused by disproportionately large breasts. The technique used for breast reduction typically involves making incisions around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease. Through these incisions, the surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin while reshaping the breasts to achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing result. In some cases, liposuction may be utilized to remove excess fat. The remaining breast tissue is then repositioned and the incisions are closed, resulting in smaller, lifted, and more youthful-looking breasts. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and the recovery period usually involves a few weeks of rest and avoiding strenuous activities to allow for optimal healing.

It is important to note that the specific details of the procedure can vary depending on individual factors and the surgeon's technique. Therefore, it is crucial to have a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized information based on your unique circumstances.

Please review the patient information leaflet on the BAPRAS, BAAPS, or ABS websites for further information.

How much does a breast reduction cost?

At Mr Khashaba Plastic Surgery, we understand that the cost of a breast reduction is an important consideration for our patients. The price for a breast reduction surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon's experience, and the location of the clinic. On average, the cost for a breast reduction in the UK ranges between £6,000 and £8,000. These fees typically cover the surgeon's fee, anesthesia, and the use of the surgical facility. However, it is important to note that additional costs may be incurred for pre-operative consultations, post-operative care, and any required follow-up appointments. To determine the exact cost of a breast reduction tailored to your specific needs, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, Mr Khashaba. He will provide you with a personalized treatment plan and discuss the accurate pricing details.